1.   And Common Cause board members said Harshbarger had assuaged their concerns that he might see the job as a stepping stone to political office.

2.   And they tried to assuage any concerns directors might have about potential antitrust issues.

3.   Addressing immigrants from the former Soviet Union, the officials acknowledged and tried to assuage their concerns about collective enterprises.

4.   But Engler has remarried, and supporters argue his new role as father to triplets should assuage any concerns.

5.   But if the summit was a victory for commercial diplomacy, it did little to assuage American concerns about political and religious rights in China.

6.   Clinton administration is sending out Gore et al. to assuage congressional concerns.

7.   Chernomyrdin tried to assuage that concern in prepared remarks before U.S. business people.

8.   Deputy Attorney General Eric Holder Jr. called a news conference Wednesday to assuage public concerns about possible terrorism.

9.   He has come under intense U.S. pressure to get the peace process moving and assuage Arab concerns.

10.   He said additional time is needed to assuage the concerns of China, Russia and several NATO allies.

v. + concern >>共 357
express 28.84%
raise 12.57%
voice 5.84%
have 4.55%
cite 3.40%
address 3.24%
ease 3.21%
cause 2.32%
allay 1.46%
dismiss 1.36%
assuage 0.28%
assuage + n. >>共 82
fear 21.93%
concern 18.59%
guilt 5.58%
anger 5.20%
critic 3.72%
conscience 2.60%
grief 1.86%
feeling 1.86%
anxiety 1.12%
investor 1.12%
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