11.   According to witness reports, the presumed perpetrator of the attack walked into the church just after the service began and sat down near the back of the building.

12.   According to witness accounts, Tokfay was killed on Thursday evening after going with a Ghanaian friend, Ibrahim Namba, to a government guest house in Hatso.

13.   Clashes between ethnic Hutus and Tutsis are continuing, according to witness reports from the refugees.

14.   The Russian army and air force for more than a week have been pounding villages in southern Chechnya, killing combatants and civilians indiscriminately, according to witness reports.

15.   This was an unusually high figure to be reported by the military, which according to witness accounts regularly gives lower than true casualty figures for its troops.

16.   This was an unusually high figure to be reported by the military, which according to witness accounts regularly gives lower than true death tolls from among its troops.

17.   They even sprayed a chemical on the interior that makes blood glow in the dark, according to witness reports.

18.   Meanwhile rump Yugoslavia has strengthened its forces in the border region, according to witness reports.

v. + witness >>共 19
accord 39.13%
gather 13.04%
be 4.35%
present 4.35%
refer 4.35%
travel 4.35%
turn 4.35%
amount 2.17%
apply 2.17%
arrive 2.17%
accord + v. >>共 228
press 20.31%
police 12.54%
plan 10.54%
state 3.11%
people 3.00%
witness 2.00%
coach 1.89%
form 1.66%
interfax 1.33%
rescue 1.22%
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