accord press 12.05   He approves of the merger, according to press reports.
  accord police 7.44   According to police Kalia opened fire first.
  accord plan 6.25   And according to plan.
  accord state 1.84   It would cover birth control drugs or devices, according to state health officials.
  accord people 1.78   But it was Lynch who talked her out of it, according to people familiar with the situation.
  accord witness 1.18   According to witness reports, the attackers could have been skinheads.
  accord coach 1.12   But not according to coach Dan Henning.
  accord form 0.99   This went exactly according to form.
  accord interfax 0.79   He said on Monday the talks were at a dead end, according to Interfax news agency.
  accord rescue 0.72   It all boils down to common sense and education, according to rescue experts.
  accord broadcast 0.66   Twenty-one people were injured, according to broadcast reports.
  accord polish 0.59   Walesa said last week he had paid everything according to Polish law.
  accord wire 0.59   According to wire reports from Milan, his vote went for elegance.
  accord aid 0.46   According to aid workers here, some returning refugees are taking one look and heading back to Pakistan.
  accord close 0.46   He was out of touch even with his own staff, according to close associates.
  accord french 0.46   The other had professional links with the embassy, according to French intelligence officials.
  accord arrest 0.39   DNA tests found blood on the floorboards in the house, according to arrest reports.
  accord author 0.39   According to author Robert Stephen Spitz, Woodstock Ventures eventually broke even.
  accord bush 0.39   But, according to Bush campaign officials, he has an uncanny ability to sound like him.
  accord schedule 0.39   If all goes according to schedule, it should be ripe in early October.
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