1.   According to press reports the two were subsequently charged with manslaughter.

2.   According to press reports, he was suffering from exhaustion.

3.   According to press reports, the country is now under martial law.

4.   According to press reports the guerrillas claimed to have carried out the attack in support of a state-wide bandh backing the implementation of the Mandal Commission report.

5.   According to press reports the fighting erupted in early January when the two factions fought for control of villages in the districts of Kompong Svay and Stoeung.

6.   According to press reports the HMIP did not detail the environmental measures it deems necessary, but they are thought to include flue gas desulphurization equipment.

7.   And they had asked an off-duty pilot on the flight to keep an eye on the man, according to press accounts.

8.   A Federal Aviation Administration report concluded that those aircraft were not airworthy because of falsified repair and maintenance records, according to press reports.

9.   According to press reports here, Erbakan is making the trip against the advice of his own foreign ministry.

10.   According to press reports, since January Kasich has been party-building in Florida and California.

v. + press >>共 64
accord 57.73%
call 4.42%
use 3.79%
be 2.84%
respond 2.21%
become 2.21%
demonstrate 1.26%
according 0.95%
ignore 0.95%
impose 0.95%
accord + v. >>共 228
press 20.31%
police 12.54%
plan 10.54%
state 3.11%
people 3.00%
witness 2.00%
coach 1.89%
form 1.66%
interfax 1.33%
rescue 1.22%
每页显示:    共 182