101.   But if there is an attempt to attach that language to the prolife plank itself, I doubt if the votes are there on the platform committee.

102.   But if the attempt was a little overambitious, this was not the kind of exposure an emerging tenor tends to turn down.

103.   But he said that after the Allies warned neutral countries like Portugal not to deal with the Nazis, there were attempts to disguise such transactions.

104.   But it is too much to expect that there will be no attempts at vengeance and retribution if known killers and torturers remain.

105.   But no sooner did I learn of the proposal than I also learned that there were attempts by the Tarrant County American Family Association to block it.

106.   But risks in therapeutic cloning are fewer because there is no attempt to make a full human being.

107.   But such attempts will be harder in the more arid and sparsely vegetated Mojave.

108.   But the attempt was a failure.

109.   But Rose Marie assures that Schott was an unknown to her when she was developing the character and that there was no attempt to copy the Reds owner.

110.   But the system is creaking, and there are attempts besides those of Juppe to impose change.

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attempt + v. >>共 246
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end 2.04%
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occur 1.12%
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