91.   Supporters have argued that the seven-year term is too long in a fast-changing world.

92.   Supporters also argue that normalization could help secure the fullest possible accounting of missing U.S. servicemen.

93.   Supporters argue that Firth did in fact advance theories but built them from the ground up rather than impose them on the cultures he studied.

94.   Supporters argue that seeds with antibacteria genes will reduce the need for insecticide use because they can be programmed to kill specific pests or weeds.

95.   Supporters argue that the executive order would merely guarantee smooth and timely service in government contracting.

96.   Supporters argue that the proposal would reduce crime and return a fundamental privilege to law-abiding adults.

97.   Supporters argue that the treatment programs would be court-approved, and therefore reliable.

98.   Supporters argued that it would make people more responsible about seeking care while not inhibiting care by being too costly.

99.   Supporters argued that television airwaves should not be dominated by one or two huge networks.

100.   Supporters argued that the bill would stop the transfer of missile technology to rogue nations, and that existing law was inadequate.

n. + argue >>共 987
official 5.99%
lawyer 5.77%
critic 4.61%
opponent 3.44%
government 3.36%
prosecutor 3.23%
company 2.91%
defense 2.20%
group 2.11%
supporter 2.03%
supporter + v. >>共 778
say 25.41%
be 6.62%
argue 2.78%
hope 1.43%
have 1.20%
call 0.99%
include 0.96%
contend 0.90%
believe 0.90%
want 0.87%
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