1.   And his supporters include Michael Jackson, Demi Moore, Naomi Judd, Donna Karan, Michael Milken and George Harrison.

2.   But its supporters include the transportation industry, which was a major force fighting for the legislation.

3.   Gore, whose supporters include such directors as Steven Spielberg, Sydney Pollack, and Rob Reiner, could have probably called on any filmmaker in Hollywood.

4.   Gore supporters already include such chief executives as Eric Schmidt of Novell, Steve Jobs of Apple Computer and Meg Whitman of eBay.

5.   Her supporters also include members of Common Cause, a national group espousing campaign reform, and thousands of individuals nationwide.

6.   His most ardent supporters include two top House leaders from Texas, Majority Leader Dick Armey of Irving and GOP Whip Tom DeLay of Sugar Land.

7.   His supporters include celebrities like William Baldwin, the actor who was host at the recent fund-raiser.

8.   His supporters include the largest state unions, fellow lawyers, fellow dog lovers, business leaders, gun owners and some in the gay-rights community.

9.   His supporters include movie stars and political heavyweights.

10.   His supporters included the Chamber of Commerce, the local clergy, The Exeter News-Letter, the academy and the police chief, James Gilmore.

n. + include >>共 1161
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symptom 1.06%
coverage 0.91%
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supporter 0.14%
supporter + v. >>共 778
say 25.41%
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argue 2.78%
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want 0.87%
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