91.   That is why the program offers a wide mix of courses, on issues from globalization to gender.

92.   The Barnes and Millner education programs offer voters a clear choice.

93.   The brownfields program offers incentives to find new uses for abandoned industrial sites with mild environmental contamination.

94.   The expanded program offers similar provisions to hospitals in other states, spread over five years.

95.   The computer program offers suggestions for different approaches for such long-standing problems as prostitution and serves as a central repository for information gathered by police officers.

96.   The four-year program offers a liberal arts education with degrees in psychology, communications, business management and restaurant and hotel management.

97.   The Gallery Explorer program offers guides to each work for adults and younger people.

98.   The free lunch program offers students a prepackaged lunch that barely measures up to federal guidelines.

99.   The Georgia program offers a free education to residents who maintain a B-average and attend a public university.

100.   The Justin Sportsmedicine program offers training room and medical attention in a mobile trailer or in a coliseum room at Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association events across the nation.

n. + offer >>共 1413
company 7.22%
government 3.31%
site 2.27%
official 1.67%
program 1.08%
bank 1.05%
school 0.96%
service 0.89%
group 0.89%
state 0.85%
program + v. >>共 667
be 24.79%
have 4.23%
include 2.76%
help 2.03%
provide 1.85%
allow 1.69%
work 1.54%
begin 1.46%
offer 1.44%
run 1.07%
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