1.   Neither state offers women a separate-but-equal military educational facility.

2.   The Jewish state also offered assurances that deporting Palestinians was not national policy.

3.   Almost no states offer statutory protection of the custody rights of homosexual parents, and some judges have ruled against them because of their sexual orientation.

4.   Although the state since has offered incentives for the city to fluoridate, the effort never has gotten off the ground.

5.   And the state may soon offer some help for schools, churches and nonprofit organizations that want to start programs.

6.   And they said the state should offer subsidized insurance to a broader range of children, including those from more moderate-income families, than Pataki has proposed.

7.   Another issue involves what type of counsel the state should offer poor defendants.

8.   At the same time, many states offer a wide variety of tax incentive programs, including machinery and equipment credits and job creation credits.

9.   Before this year, fewer than a dozen states offered either plan, according to the College Savings Plans Network.

10.   Both states had offered the company multimillion-dollar incentives.

n. + offer >>共 1413
company 7.22%
government 3.31%
site 2.27%
official 1.67%
program 1.08%
bank 1.05%
school 0.96%
service 0.89%
group 0.89%
state 0.85%
state + v. >>共 907
be 9.69%
have 9.60%
say 1.67%
take 1.44%
make 1.26%
do 1.21%
use 1.19%
require 1.14%
pay 1.02%
pass 0.98%
offer 0.79%
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