1.   And one leading expert said the mouse experiments did not address the critical question of how the medicine might work in someone already exhibiting the characteristic smallpox lesions.

2.   His smarter mice experiment was conceived and executed entirely at Princeton, he said.

3.   In mouse experiments, aaAT dramatically shrank lung tumors that had been implanted on the backs of mice, and caused no apparent ill effects.

4.   In mouse experiments, endostatin has dramatically shrunk mouse tumors into invisibility and has done so without toxic effects.

5.   Some say they plan to study the gene in mouse experiments.

6.   The latest mouse experiments were designed to address these concerns.

7.   The mouse experiments are described in the current issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

8.   The mouse experiments are reported in the current issue of Nature Genetics.

9.   The mice experiments were first reported in The Wall Street Journal Wednesday.

10.   The other mouse experiment, in which mice with mutant prion genes spontaneously developed scrapie, also can be explained without invoking prions as infectious agents, critics say.

n. + experiment >>共 417
laboratory 8.78%
science 6.90%
lab 4.44%
gene 3.55%
therapy 3.25%
radiation 2.17%
mouse 1.78%
two-year 0.99%
thought 0.99%
three-year 0.99%
mouse + n. >>共 205
click 14.37%
button 12.10%
pad 7.13%
cell 4.19%
gene 3.39%
ear 3.17%
embryo 2.71%
genome 2.15%
pointer 2.04%
experiment 2.04%
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