1.   Also, the mouse genome should help identify the role of human genes, most of which are largely unknown.

2.   Although a draft copy of the entire mouse genome is still years away, its potential is already causing excitement in both the business and scientific communities.

3.   Biologists believe the mouse genome will be essential to interpreting the human genome.

4.   But the completion of the human genome, as well as the eventual completion of the mouse genome, are just the first steps of a long scientific journey.

5.   Celera said its mouse genome will be available only to subscribers to its database.

6.   In a largely trial-and-error process, she and her lab workers manipulate the mouse genome to see how different parts of the brain develop.

7.   It is clear that the mouse genome is likely to emerge as a vital guide for interpreting the human genome.

8.   More importantly, researchers say the mouse genome will open the door to a better understanding of human disease.

9.   The clearest present proof of its shotgun method may lie in its mouse genome, assembled just with Celera data, which the company will offer to its subscribers.

10.   The mouse genome was of great help to Celera in annotating its human sequence and pinpointing the location of human genes.

n. + genome >>共 25
mouse 30.65%
rice 16.13%
worm 9.68%
plant 4.84%
anthrax 3.23%
chimpanzee 3.23%
fugu 3.23%
anserina 1.61%
bacterium 1.61%
carcinoma 1.61%
mouse + n. >>共 205
click 14.37%
button 12.10%
pad 7.13%
cell 4.19%
gene 3.39%
ear 3.17%
embryo 2.71%
genome 2.15%
pointer 2.04%
experiment 2.04%
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