1.   And when they have outlived their usefulness, they are slaughtered or sold cheaply for lab experiments.

2.   Among hormones instrumental in that response are adrenaline and cortisol, Borysenko found in lab experiments.

3.   And every four years, it is fun to see the national media treat it like a lab experiment.

4.   Before that, he performed the surgery in animal lab experiments.

5.   A more likely culprit than than poorly ventilated fumes, Amoco says, is the actual lab experiments.

6.   A thinner ozone layer allows more ultraviolet light to reach the Earth, he points out, and ultraviolet light has damaged frog embryos in lab experiments.

7.   But lab experiments disprove the claim, a team led by chemistry Prof. Richard Zare announced Friday.

8.   Caliper, for instance, sells chips that make for faster lab experiments.

9.   He wants to give other primates the status of personhood, which would end lab experiments on chimpanzees and perhaps free them from zoos.

10.   In a series of lab experiments, microbiologist Todd Stevens of Pacific Northwest National Laboratory showed that basalt may react with groundwater to release hydrogen.

n. + experiment >>共 417
laboratory 8.78%
science 6.90%
lab 4.44%
gene 3.55%
therapy 3.25%
radiation 2.17%
mouse 1.78%
two-year 0.99%
thought 0.99%
three-year 0.99%
lab + n. >>共 225
test 12.50%
coat 7.47%
technician 7.05%
result 4.87%
worker 4.36%
work 3.94%
experiment 3.78%
animal 3.69%
official 3.69%
report 2.68%
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