1.   Instead they have calculated benefits using a calculator and storing files in manila folders.

2.   Paperwork spreads over every desk and countertop, covers every clipboard, fills dozens of manila folders.

3.   And he watched her send him into a house to retrieve a manila folder, cautioning him to move quickly.

4.   Blakey keeps a manila folder in her desk, where she scrawls down every commission that she earns each week.

5.   A few three-ring binders and some manila folders.

6.   A few weeks ago, they began filling a manila folder with the appeals that flood the mail at this time of the year.

7.   A VA police officer found a manila folder of patient information on top of a trash cart in a hallway.

8.   From a metal file cabinet strewn with guitar strings and manila folders containing customer orders, Tomas takes out a scrapbook.

9.   Handwritten cards, manila folders that get passed from one caseworker to the next.

10.   He pulled out a pack of Manila folders containing what he said were certificates of authentication from more than a dozen experts.

a. + folder >>共 104
national 18.03%
international 14.10%
manila 7.21%
new 6.23%
thick 2.30%
special 2.30%
plastic 1.97%
blue 1.64%
temporary 1.64%
separate 1.64%
manila + n. >>共 161
airport 10.75%
suburb 9.80%
government 6.80%
envelope 6.53%
area 5.71%
police 4.76%
newspaper 4.22%
share 4.22%
folder 2.99%
radio 2.45%
每页显示:    共 22