1.   At the restaurant, we also make a bitter orange ice cream to top off the individual warm puddings for that absolutely important temperature contrast.

2.   Cut warm pudding into squares or rectangles.

3.   Drizzle over warm pudding, and serve.

4.   Much better was warm chocolate pudding, a gooey flourless chocolate cake with a snappy collar made of white chocolate and a deeply chocolate sauce.

5.   Put a spoonful on top of warm pudding.

a. + pudding >>共 94
chocolate 12.70%
vanilla 5.82%
steamed 4.76%
instant 3.70%
english 3.17%
figgy 3.17%
remaining 2.65%
warm 2.65%
white 2.65%
butterscotch 2.12%
warm + n. >>共 858
weather 10.43%
water 7.71%
air 6.64%
welcome 4.55%
temperature 2.49%
day 2.25%
reception 2.18%
relation 1.60%
winter 1.48%
feeling 1.48%
pudding 0.08%
每页显示:    共 5