1.   Although coastal fog cooled off much of the Bay Area, warm temperatures helped fuel two fires near Vacaville and Big Sur, officials said.

2.   Ample moisture and warm temperatures has allowed soybean pods to fill quickly and fully mature, easing any threat of damage from an early frost.

3.   Ample sun and seasonably warm temperatures will prevail in California and Nevada while afternoon thunderstorms develop in the afternoon over the southern Rockies and intermountain plateaus.

4.   Ample sunshine and very warm temperatures will cover the Southeast as humidity levels increase after several days of dry weather.

5.   Anyone who has ventured to the attic to retrieve a shoe box of photographic negatives has probably seen what havoc is wreaked by warm temperatures and high humidity.

6.   Blame it on the moisture produced by El Nino and the advent of warm temperatures, state insect specialists say.

7.   Brazilian orange trees have been hit in the last few months by unseasonably warm temperatures and heavy rains.

8.   A ridge of high pressure off the Carolina coast will keep much of the southern Atlantic states under mostly sunny skies and very warm temperatures.

9.   Brazilian orange trees have suffered in the last few months from unseasonably warm temperatures and heavy rains.

10.   Both are pretty and orderly, populated by smiling, waving residents and blessed by sunny skies and warm temperatures.

a. + temperature >>共 423
high 12.91%
freezing 6.15%
low 4.09%
warm 3.66%
cold 3.52%
cool 3.15%
higher 2.76%
record 2.70%
lower 2.56%
warmer 2.26%
warm + n. >>共 858
weather 10.43%
water 7.71%
air 6.64%
welcome 4.55%
temperature 2.49%
day 2.25%
reception 2.18%
relation 1.60%
winter 1.48%
feeling 1.48%
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