1.   As the District of Columbia staggers through this figgy pudding of an election, what would H. L. Mencken think?

2.   Figgy pudding, sometimes called plum pudding even though it has no plums, is essentially what the British call Christmas pudding.

3.   Nor did I know that across the Atlantic, millions of my little suburban British cohorts actually had to eat figgy pudding.

4.   Now bring us some figgy pudding.

5.   Of course, I had no idea what a figgy pudding was.

6.   She was so enthralled with figgy pudding that she once built a Dickens-style Christmas meal around it.

a. + pudding >>共 94
chocolate 12.70%
vanilla 5.82%
steamed 4.76%
instant 3.70%
english 3.17%
figgy 3.17%
remaining 2.65%
warm 2.65%
white 2.65%
butterscotch 2.12%
每页显示:    共 6