1.   Angiogenesis inhibitors are substances that attack the blood supply that tumors need to grow to a dangerous size.

2.   Anti-angiogenic drugs disrupt the blood supply that tumors need to grow and spread.

3.   Cancer tumors need oxygen too, so they snap up porphyrins.

4.   Each blocked the growth of blood vessels that tumors need for nourishment.

5.   Folkman is known for his work on promising drugs called angiogenesis inhibitors, which supress the formation of blood vessels that cancerous tumors need to grow.

6.   Green tea contains a chemical that chokes off the new blood vessel supply that cancerous tumors need to grow, a research team in Sweden reports.

7.   Initially, these tumors needed androgen to grow.

8.   It also is believed to choke off the growth of tiny blood vessels tumors need to spread.

9.   Instead, they target the network of tiny blood vessels that tumors need to grow and spread to other parts of the body.

10.   It attaches itself to the estrogen-receptor in a cancerous tumor and cuts it off from the estrogen the tumor needs to grow.

n. + need >>共 1173
company 3.39%
team 2.69%
people 2.61%
country 2.52%
government 2.44%
child 1.51%
investor 1.17%
system 0.93%
patient 0.91%
woman 0.86%
tumor 0.07%
tumor + v. >>共 99
be 25.35%
grow 10.55%
shrink 7.51%
need 3.45%
spread 3.25%
develop 2.43%
begin 1.83%
appear 1.62%
remain 1.62%
disappear 1.62%
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