tumor be 8.23   Her tumor was gone.
  tumor grow 3.42   A malignant tumor grew on his heart.
  tumor shrink 2.44   In others, the tumors shrank by up to half.
  tumor need 1.12   Initially, these tumors needed androgen to grow.
  tumor spread 1.05   Last month, physicians discovered that the tumor was spreading.
  tumor develop 0.79   But that does not guarantee that tumors will develop.
  tumor begin 0.59   Within two weeks the tumors began to shrink.
  tumor appear 0.53   But PSA can be detected years before new tumors actually appear.
  tumor disappear 0.53   Given together, they make tumors disappear and not return.
  tumor remain 0.53   Further tests revealed the tumors remained.
  tumor induce 0.46   Tumors must induce the body to form a blood supply to them.
  tumor recur 0.46   In most cases, the tumors recurred within a year.
  tumor return 0.46   The tumor returned.
  tumor secrete 0.46   It is curious that many tumors should secrete inhibitors as well as inducers of angiogenesis.
  tumor stop 0.46   By itself, the drug appears to make tumors stop growing.
  tumor become 0.39   The larger the tumor became, the more hesitant the surgeons he visited became.
  tumor form 0.39   No tumors ever formed, as Lane points out in his book.
  tumor cause 0.33   The tumor was causing a condition known as hydrocephalus, or water on the brain.
  tumor produce 0.33   No one knows why tumors produce substances that inhibit angiogenesis as well as others that promote it.
  tumor seem 0.33   Shrinking tumors seemed a lot to ask.
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