1.   As for tube feeders, a sturdy plastic type with metal reinforcing around the holes is best.

2.   A tube feeder with black oil sunflower will attract goldfinches, woodpeckers, titmice, chickadees and nuthatches.

3.   Adding a tray to the tube feeder also will attract cardinals, white-throated sparrows, jays and house finches and purple finches.

4.   To send grackles and starlings packing, use feeders made for smaller birds, such as tube feeders.

5.   Try starting out with sunflower seeds, which can be used on tray feeders, and in hopper feeders and tube feeders as well.

6.   Tube feeders are long hollow cylinders with multiple feeding ports and perches.

n. + feeder >>共 44
bottom 27.78%
hummingbird 7.41%
tube 5.56%
sheet 4.63%
suet 4.63%
backyard 3.70%
tray 3.70%
bank 2.78%
cattle 2.78%
document 1.85%
tube + n. >>共 122
top 14.07%
station 6.08%
sock 4.94%
skirt 3.80%
well 3.80%
dress 2.66%
worm 2.66%
time 2.66%
train 2.66%
feeder 2.28%
每页显示:    共 6