1.   Birds that thrive in the proximity of people and dine at backyard feeders delight nature enthusiasts.

2.   A sparrow-sized bird with a reddish breast, the house finch has become one of the most popular year-round visitors to backyard feeders in Georgia.

3.   Cassandra Fuqua of Athens writes to say that she has had purple martins at her backyard feeders since mid-February.

4.   Squirrels frolic in the light of day and, more naive than their furtive cousins, are easily attracted to backyard feeders.

n. + feeder >>共 44
bottom 27.78%
hummingbird 7.41%
tube 5.56%
sheet 4.63%
suet 4.63%
backyard 3.70%
tray 3.70%
bank 2.78%
cattle 2.78%
document 1.85%
backyard + n. >>共 232
barbecue 9.33%
pool 7.65%
garden 6.16%
fence 3.92%
tree 2.61%
court 2.05%
rink 1.87%
grill 1.68%
breeder 1.68%
gardener 1.49%
feeder 0.75%
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