1.   A hanging suet feeder brings in woodpeckers, chickadees, kinglets, creepers, wrens, nuthatches, thrashers and others.

2.   Especially important is the suet feeder, which attracts insect-eating birds.

3.   Suet feeders are usually a wire basket or a plastic mesh bag for holding suet.

4.   Suet feeders that are open at the bottom deter starlings.

5.   There are sunflower hearts for the chickadees and, a few trees to the left, a suet feeder that attracts downy woodpeckers and starlings.

n. + feeder >>共 44
bottom 27.78%
hummingbird 7.41%
tube 5.56%
sheet 4.63%
suet 4.63%
backyard 3.70%
tray 3.70%
bank 2.78%
cattle 2.78%
document 1.85%
suet + n. >>共 2
feeder 83.33%
cage 16.67%
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