1.   For one thing, the canal treaties stipulate that toll rates must remain reasonable.

2.   The cloth used to be calico, as the treaty stipulates.

3.   The treaty stipulates would-be EMU members must be close to each other in terms of inflation, exchange rates and long-term interest rates.

4.   The existing treaty stipulates that it will remain valid for one year after either side decides to abolish it.

5.   The Jordan-Israel treaty stipulates cooperation between the two Middle Eastern neighbors in all fields.

6.   The treaty stipulates that all accords be signed within nine months after it was ratified.

7.   The treaty stipulates that the easing of internal borders should be compensated by a beefing of the outside borders of the Schengen.

8.   The treaty stipulates five major criteria for entering the currency union.

9.   And, the reports said, the treaty would stipulate the end of the Arab boycott of Israel.

10.   The treaty stipulates regional limits on troops and materiel.

n. + stipulate >>共 106
law 13.85%
agreement 11.57%
rule 7.59%
accord 7.02%
regulation 5.12%
constitution 3.61%
guideline 3.42%
bill 3.23%
contract 3.04%
treaty 2.66%
treaty + v. >>共 317
be 20.43%
require 4.12%
allow 3.60%
have 3.35%
ban 3.04%
come 2.26%
call 2.26%
give 2.01%
take 1.70%
include 1.39%
stipulate 0.72%
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