1.   American officials said Thursday night that the treaty now clearly included members of parliament.

2.   But labor and environmental groups say fast-track treaties will not include enough protections for US workers.

3.   From early colonial days on, every treaty with Native Americans included provisions for the return of slaves.

4.   Future treaties should include more protections for foreign workers and the environment, Gephardt said.

5.   It insisted that the treaty include a requirement that all existing nuclear weapons be destroyed by a specified date.

6.   The child labor treaty does not include economic sanctions against countries that do not enforce the provisions.

7.   The treaty does not include prosecutorial powers, so U.S. government officials can do little more than complain to their counterparts in Mexico.

8.   A treaty will include limited exemptions such as using DDT to fight malaria in developing countries, Toepfer of the United Nations said.

9.   Although the treaties include broad language about human rights, they include few specifics about the treatment of detainees who are not prisoners of war.

10.   At present the treaty only includes developed nations.

n. + include >>共 1161
package 1.87%
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plan 1.49%
measure 1.18%
figure 1.13%
speaker 1.10%
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treaty 0.06%
treaty + v. >>共 317
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