1.   A treaty was urgently required and strenuous efforts should be made to secure participation and cooperation with the Soviet Union.

2.   Millett J. concluded that the treaty was a membership agreement, not one forming an agency relationship.

3.   The draft treaty is also vague on the question of a new minimum age for voluntary recruits.

4.   The fact that the postwar treaty had been a dead letter for many years did not worry either party.

5.   The treaty is now a Cold War relic.

6.   There are now no legal obligations arising out of joint action, which will remain until the new treaty is effective.

7.   The treaty is the latest attempt to resolve the ten-year conflagration.

8.   Officials also disclosed that all bilateral treaties were under review.

9.   Both sides stressed that, unlike the agreements signed while both countries were under communist rule, the current treaty was one between equals.

n. + be >>共 1635
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official 0.55%
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treaty 0.03%
treaty + v. >>共 317
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