1.   Cook pasta al dente, drain well and toss all ingredients together.

2.   In a large mixing bowl, toss all ingredients lightly to combine.

3.   In a bowl, toss all ingredients except salt to blend thoroughly.

4.   The tale takes a bit too long to set up, and too many ingredients are tossed into the pot to make for a coherent or compelling story line.

5.   Those few ingredients are tossed with spaghetti or another pasta and then, at the table, sprinkled with Parmesan cheese.

6.   Toss all ingredients in a pan and serve when hot.

7.   Toss all ingredients together gently and serve with fish cakes, above.

8.   Toss all ingredients together in a nonreactive bowl and serve.

9.   Toss all ingredients together.

10.   Toss all ingredients together in a bowl.

v. + ingredient >>共 285
combine 22.33%
add 9.26%
mix 6.98%
use 5.86%
contain 3.69%
place 3.52%
blend 2.11%
have 1.52%
moisten 1.41%
stir 1.35%
toss 0.70%
toss + n. >>共 770
ball 6.30%
grenade 3.70%
head 1.96%
bomb 1.78%
coin 1.60%
racket 1.51%
football 1.46%
flower 1.37%
salad 1.14%
bottle 1.10%
ingredient 0.55%
每页显示:    共 12