combine ingredient 25.08   Combine all ingredients.
  add ingredient 10.40   Add dry ingredients.
  mix ingredient 7.83   Mix all ingredients.
  use ingredient 6.58   The Europeans use more ingredients.
  contain ingredient 4.15   Contains worrisome ingredients.
  place ingredient 3.95   Place all ingredients in blender.
  blend ingredient 2.37   Blend all ingredients well.
  have ingredient 1.71   They have the ingredients and experience to do it.
  moisten ingredient 1.58   Mix just until dry ingredients are moistened.
  stir ingredient 1.51   Stir ingredients together.
  buy ingredient 1.38   Where can I buy the ingredients?
  list ingredient 1.32   Ingredients are listed plainly.
  put ingredient 1.32   Put ingredients in mixing bowl.
  find ingredient 1.25   Most ingredients can be found in the kitchen.
  include ingredient 1.18   News reports said the chemicals included ingredients of sarin.
  produce ingredient 1.12   They are also discussing joint ventures to produce the ingredients in Mexico.
  disclose ingredient 0.92   The second would force the industry to disclose the ingredients of all tobacco products.
  gather ingredient 0.86   Quietly I gathered the ingredients.
  incorporate ingredient 0.79   Stir to incorporate ingredients.
  toss ingredient 0.79   Toss all ingredients.
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