1.   Carson conceded that it will be up to the local systems and schools to provide timely data.

2.   Ellis, like many other travelers, finds that the Web has become a prime source for timely data.

3.   Lacking timely official data, the ECB needs to pay more attention to surveys of business and consumer confidence.

4.   Looking for timely financial data?

5.   Secrecy and a dearth of timely data make it tough to tell exactly what Fidelity is buying.

6.   Timely data would have caused warning lights to shine earlier.

7.   Concur in principle - I agree that more timely data for analyses would better enable VA to assess changes occurring within the health care delivery system.

8.   --Retain tough new requirements to produce timely data about transplant center performance.

9.   This will include requests that all countries publish timely data on key economic statistics that will give financial markets better information about the true health of an economy.

a. + datum >>共 1190
economic 12.11%
new 4.59%
financial 2.65%
personal 2.48%
recent 2.15%
high-speed 1.59%
sales 1.36%
raw 1.19%
scientific 1.16%
available 1.14%
timely 0.11%
timely + n. >>共 353
manner 8.92%
fashion 8.22%
payment 3.85%
information 3.35%
way 2.84%
hit 2.64%
basis 2.23%
reminder 1.83%
delivery 1.52%
action 1.32%
datum 0.91%
每页显示:    共 9