1.   Creditors have an unblemished stream of timely payments.

2.   Fannie Mae also earns fees by packaging loans as bonds and guaranteeing timely payment of principal and interest to investors.

3.   Failure to make timely payments can subject you to penalties.

4.   Freddie Mac also earns money by guaranteeing the timely payment of principal and interest on its securities.

5.   Freddie Mac also makes money by bundling the mortgages it buys into bonds and guaranteeing the timely payment of principal and interest on those securities.

6.   Freddie Mac also earns money by collecting fees for guaranteeing the timely payment of principal and interest on its mortgage backed securities.

7.   Ginnie Mae is a government agency that guarantees the timely payment of principal and interest on loans for low-income homebuyers and veterans.

8.   If a borrower does not make timely payments, the bank looks to the state to make good on the loan.

9.   It also plans to increase the discount it gives after the first two years to borrowers who make timely payments.

10.   Kmart has insisted it is making timely payments.

a. + payment >>共 604
monthly 8.00%
late 2.90%
electronic 2.47%
illegal 2.47%
federal 2.42%
full 1.94%
fixed 1.88%
first 1.83%
annual 1.78%
principal 1.63%
timely 0.97%
timely + n. >>共 353
manner 8.92%
fashion 8.22%
payment 3.85%
information 3.35%
way 2.84%
hit 2.64%
basis 2.23%
reminder 1.83%
delivery 1.52%
action 1.32%
每页显示:    共 38