economic datum 66.89   Economic data moved the market a bit.
  new datum 25.35   Ideas change as new data come in.
  financial datum 14.61   Look at the financial data.
  personal datum 13.69   The device can store personal data for two different users.
  recent datum 11.85   No more recent data were available.
  high-speed datum 8.76   High-speed data transmission.
  sales datum 7.50   Retail sales data through last week was robust.
  raw datum 6.58   Analyses were conducted on the raw data.
  scientific datum 6.39   But doctors remain divided over the scientific data.
  available datum 6.32   There is more data available to them.
  latest datum 5.86   The latest data suggest this is unlikely.
  wireless datum 5.79   Is it wireless data?
  digital datum 5.66   They can be produced from sets of digital data.
  electronic datum 5.66   There is as yet no tax on electronic data.
  historical datum 5.60   Need historical data?
  hard datum 5.27   Demographics and hard data, some say.
  polling datum 5.07   Polling data were not cited.
  official datum 4.87   Official data are due out Tuesday.
  preliminary datum 4.81   But the preliminary data are rarely revised.
  little datum 4.34   And there is little data.
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