1.   Very small last minute adjustments to spacing may become necessary, but if you have tailored your item to fit the plan then you are reasonably safe.

2.   If the terms are to be tailored to fit the client, the client must be measured for the terms.

3.   And even the national rate set by the Bank of England cannot be tailored to fit conditions in every region of Britain.

4.   All they needed, in general, was some tailoring to fit high-tech companies.

5.   Each must be tailored to fit the needs and desires of the individual customer.

6.   Of course, each show would be tailored to fit the particular peccadilloes of each locale.

7.   Opponents complained that the basic laws of Israel should not be tailored to fit the political specifications of one man.

8.   The customers come in many sizes, and the system should be tailored to fit them all.

9.   The earliest benefits could be new drugs that will be tailored to fit the genetic profiles of different individuals.

10.   The payment schedules are tailored to fit the cash flow of each business, she said.

v. + fit >>共 97
be 8.21%
cut 6.28%
tailor 6.28%
shape 4.83%
can 3.38%
customize 2.90%
will 2.90%
mold 2.42%
pass 2.42%
seem 2.42%
tailor + v. >>共 58
meet 12.80%
fit 10.40%
suit 7.20%
achieve 4.80%
serve 4.00%
address 3.20%
appeal 3.20%
help 3.20%
protect 2.40%
remedy 2.40%
每页显示:    共 13