1.   Ideologies have been either discarded or else molded to fit with the experience of history.

2.   The game plan has been molded to fit his style, strengths and preferences.

3.   The tiny microphone and speaker fit into a colored gel earpiece molded to fit most ears.

4.   The three women sit side by side on flimsy plastic chairs, the kind molded to fit the mean-average shape of no human who has ever existed.

5.   Vick, a leading Heisman Trophy contender, tried out a special orthotic brace that is molded to fit his foot and could be worn in a game.

v. + fit >>共 97
be 8.21%
cut 6.28%
tailor 6.28%
shape 4.83%
can 3.38%
customize 2.90%
will 2.90%
mold 2.42%
pass 2.42%
seem 2.42%
mold + v. >>共 11
fit 27.78%
look 11.11%
make 11.11%
resemble 11.11%
be 5.56%
conform 5.56%
do 5.56%
exhaust 5.56%
follow 5.56%
form 5.56%
每页显示:    共 5