1.   His father was on his hands and knees, sweat streaming down his face, trying to fix it.

2.   Sweat was streaming down her face from out under her straw hat.

3.   Sweat streams into eyes and washes down backs of legs.

4.   To prepare, they run geezerly laps, sweat streaming down sagging flesh.

n. + stream >>共 183
tear 14.56%
refugee 6.72%
air 5.92%
people 4.48%
sunlight 3.84%
thousand 3.52%
sun 2.40%
fan 2.08%
light 2.08%
hundred 1.92%
sweat 0.64%
sweat + v. >>共 68
pour 16.19%
be 11.90%
drip 6.67%
run 5.24%
trickle 4.29%
bead 3.81%
roll 3.81%
come 2.38%
soak 2.38%
drench 1.90%
stream 1.90%
每页显示:    共 4