1.   A fine sweat was beading his forehead but there was a grin of triumph on his face.

2.   As the sun poked through the afternoon clouds, temperatures on the taxiway rose, sweat beaded and water flowed.

3.   Nine minutes into this treadmill stress test, sweat is beading up on his forehead.

4.   Sweat beads my lip as I try to reckon the odds.

5.   Sweat beaded on his forehead.

6.   The sweat was beading up on his forehead, the knot churning a hole in his stomach.

7.   With sweat beading his brow, his voice soft from exhaustion, Chavez gave thanks and provided encouraging words.

8.   Sweat beaded on his upper lip.

n. + bead >>共 15
sweat 32.00%
water 12.00%
specialty 8.00%
belly 4.00%
droplet 4.00%
fall 4.00%
flesh-tone 4.00%
gold 4.00%
lime 4.00%
long 4.00%
sweat + v. >>共 68
pour 16.19%
be 11.90%
drip 6.67%
run 5.24%
trickle 4.29%
bead 3.81%
roll 3.81%
come 2.38%
soak 2.38%
drench 1.90%
每页显示:    共 8