1.   Lipman called for the U.S. to sever links with countries known to support terrorists.

2.   The bombing helped to sober up a lot of people who had previously supported the terrorists.

3.   According to the lobbyists, the United States should be hamstrung when a government proliferates weapons of mass destruction, commits genocide, tortures its people or supports terrorists.

4.   For the CIA, working with intelligence officials from countries that have supported terrorists in the past holds obvious risks.

5.   He also accused her of supporting Albanian terrorists.

6.   He lived in an ascetic, one-room apartment, talked a bit like a Marxist and was accused of supporting Republican terrorists in Northern Ireland.

7.   He supported terrorists in Egypt, Algeria, Yemen, the Sudan, Lebanon and the Philippines.

8.   If we want to fathom how countries like Saudi Arabia or Pakistan could possibly support terrorists, we might peek into a mirror.

9.   Legislation should also target governments that support terrorists by requiring X-ray and chemical inspection of the diplomatic pouches of outlaw nations with U.N. offices in New York.

10.   Mark Briskman, regional director for the Anti-Defamation League, which battles anti-Semitism, says his organization believes that the foundation supports terrorists.

v. + terrorist >>共 321
harbor 7.40%
fight 3.96%
support 3.89%
stop 3.11%
arrest 3.05%
prevent 2.40%
kill 2.34%
pursue 2.08%
aid 2.08%
track 1.82%
support + n. >>共 944
effort 2.29%
idea 2.26%
terrorism 1.92%
bill 1.86%
family 1.67%
claim 1.63%
right 1.56%
rebel 1.50%
plan 1.38%
dollar 1.35%
terrorist 0.26%
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