harbor terrorist 7.50   Harboring terrorists is.
  fight terrorist 4.02   It cannot fight the terrorists alone.
  support terrorist 3.95   Pakistan denies it supports terrorists.
  stop terrorist 3.16   Can terrorists be stopped?
  arrest terrorist 3.09   Powell openly appealed to Arafat to arrest terrorists.
  prevent terrorist 2.44   Mineta has said newly reinforced cockpit doors prevent terrorists from commandeering airplanes.
  kill terrorist 2.37   Teri kills a terrorist.
  aid terrorist 2.11   Sometimes, the export of American weapons and training can aid terrorists.
  pursue terrorist 2.11   Greece has been blamed for being lax on pursuing terrorists.
  track terrorist 1.84   They track terrorists down.
  help terrorist 1.65   They allegedly helped the terrorists with logistics.
  hunt terrorist 1.65   After all, the FBI has to hunt the terrorists.
  keep terrorist 1.65   Better cockpit doors will keep terrorists out.
  root_out terrorist 1.65   |300060858,301354754,306880910,309202093,311116585,312132900,312402165,314065420,314862203,316479869,319469517,319736072,321732243,400136290,402978899,403058744,405365972,406462975,408547260,408573675,408735961,409164039,412819517,413266925,500128050
  try terrorist 1.58   Judges refused to try accused terrorists for fear of retribution.
  prosecute terrorist 1.45   Most terrorists are prosecuted under federal law in federal courts.
  blame terrorist 1.32   Blame the terrorists.
  bring terrorist 1.18   We will bring terrorists to justice.
  capture terrorist 1.18   Three terrorists were captured.
  include terrorist 1.18   That includes potential terrorists.
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