1.   However, pockets of heavier rain may develop in western New York later in the day if sufficient moisture is gleaned from Lake Erie and Lake Ontario.

2.   Like a hot-air balloon, the air then rises, and, if there is sufficient moisture, blossoms into a roiling cumulus cloud.

3.   Sometimes when the bottom is wet and the top is dry, we water, but the roots are already getting sufficient moisture.

4.   Sufficient moisture can suppress chinch bugs.

5.   The storms are expected to provide sufficient moisture for plants to mature, traders said, all but ensuring bountiful harvests.

6.   There will be sufficient moisture and lift over the higher terrain of New England to trigger scattered thundershowers, but most of these will not reach the Coast.

7.   However, sufficient moisture and instability will prevail today to produce isolated areas of very heavy rainfall and flash flooding and mudslides will be possible.

8.   However, sufficient moisture remained locally for scattered showers and a possible thunderstorm to develop this afternoon across mainly west and interior Puerto Rico.

9.   The local atmosphere remains unstable again today, but will likely lack sufficient moisture this afternoon to develop lots of clouds and showers across most of the local area.

10.   This may provide sufficient moisture for widely scattered showers and a slight chance for a thunderstorm elsewhere across the local area.

a. + moisture >>共 149
tropical 10.58%
excess 8.20%
abundant 5.03%
low 4.89%
residual 4.63%
level 4.37%
pacific 3.70%
atlantic 3.57%
low-level 3.57%
ample 2.65%
sufficient 1.46%
sufficient + n. >>共 738
evidence 11.02%
number 3.24%
fund 2.94%
time 2.94%
support 2.34%
supply 2.07%
information 2.07%
resource 1.64%
reason 1.57%
quantity 1.40%
moisture 0.37%
每页显示:    共 11