sufficient evidence 21.72   Not sufficient evidence or something.
  sufficient number 6.39   But do they exist in sufficient numbers?
  sufficient fund 5.79   Proof of sufficient funds is required for entrance into Namibia.
  sufficient time 5.79   Allow sufficient defrosting time.
  sufficient support 4.61   But the vote failed to gather sufficient support.
  sufficient information 4.08   Do we have sufficient information on which to base change?
  sufficient supply 4.08   Sufficient supply, in the short run, will be a problem.
  sufficient resource 3.23   When a single newspaper cannot muster sufficient resources, it looks for help.
  sufficient reason 3.09   Unauthorized absence is sufficient reason for dismissal.
  sufficient quantity 2.76   In sufficient quantity it makes you a drooling idiot.
  sufficient power 2.57   A lack of sufficient power threatens continued growth, it said.
  sufficient ground 2.30   Is mental cruelty sufficient grounds for divorce?
  sufficient amount 2.11   It is unable to absorb diesel oil in amounts sufficient to detonate.
  sufficient liquidity 1.97   Banks aim to make profits, but they must also maintain sufficient liquidity.
  sufficient cause 1.71   But is that sufficient cause to depose a president?
  sufficient vote 1.71   All are certain to gain sufficient votes.
  sufficient water 1.71   He urged the public to store sufficient water.
  sufficient food 1.65   Hundreds of thousands of refugees lack sufficient food, water and medical care.
  sufficient money 1.58   But some of them do not have sufficient money to do so.
  sufficient proof 1.45   Bloomberg was then asked what would amount to sufficient proof.
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