1.   The German goal, Waigel said, is to anchor the stability rules in EU law starting at the next summit, in Dublin in December.

2.   Under the stability rules, countries who appear to be running up excessive budget deficits are initially shown a yellow card.

3.   This did not mean that the stability rules were not right.

4.   Under the stability rules, countries who appear to be running up excessive budget deficits are initially shown a yellow card by their fellow classmates.

5.   The Estonia complied with the new stability rule, Veritas said.

n. + rule >>共 1461
ground 4.72%
trade 3.77%
safety 3.39%
work 3.11%
government 2.31%
election 2.15%
court 2.13%
league 1.82%
ethic 1.77%
team 1.68%
stability 0.06%
stability + n. >>共 66
pact 41.49%
system 9.91%
control 7.43%
council 2.79%
program 2.17%
package 1.55%
issue 1.55%
theory 1.55%
test 1.55%
rule 1.55%
每页显示:    共 5