1.   Drizzle over the chocolate sauce and top with the sliced strawberries.

2.   Layer together with whipped cream, strawberry jam and sliced fresh strawberries.

3.   A colleague assures me that the truly tasty way to serve sliced strawberries mounded with slightly sweetened whipped cream is to grind fresh pepper over the cream.

4.   Garnish with sliced strawberries and mint leaves.

5.   Gently fold in sliced strawberries.

6.   Garnish each plate with the sliced strawberries.

7.   Instead, it was topped by a cloud of whipped cream, with sliced strawberries spiking up all over.

8.   Ladle the soup into chilled soup bowls and garnish with sliced strawberries.

9.   Pour the strawberry puree over the cheese and sprinkle with sliced strawberries.

10.   Place sandwiches on a plate and garnish with a sliced strawberry or mint leaves.

a. + strawberry >>共 98
fresh 17.52%
wild 8.03%
sliced 7.30%
alpine 4.01%
frozen 4.01%
remaining 3.65%
chocolate-dipped 2.92%
chocolate-covered 2.55%
mexican 2.19%
whole 1.82%
sliced + n. >>共 151
onion 10.78%
tomato 8.36%
bread 5.02%
strawberry 3.72%
potato 3.53%
fruit 3.53%
apple 2.79%
banana 2.42%
mushroom 2.42%
carrot 2.42%
每页显示:    共 20