1.   But with inexpensive software, these files can be scrambled so completely that they cannot be read without a special key.

2.   It allows files to be scrambled so that only the person with the proper password can unlock and read the file.

3.   That way, if something scrambles the registry file, you can use this backup copy to get your PC running again.

4.   Use a special utility to scramble selected files so that nobody can read them unless he or she knows the password.

v. + file >>共 433
open 4.86%
download 3.71%
have 3.22%
delete 3.02%
save 2.72%
include 2.57%
keep 2.45%
transfer 2.22%
send 1.99%
review 1.95%
scramble 0.15%
scramble + n. >>共 116
datum 7.20%
message 6.06%
brain 5.30%
egg 5.30%
signal 4.92%
jet 3.03%
fighter 3.03%
quarterback 2.65%
ball 2.65%
information 2.65%
file 1.52%
每页显示:    共 4