1.   Do you want to delete this file?

2.   I deleted the file by mistake.

3.   It appears that all the files have been deleted.

4.   The computer automatically deletes any files you have not saved.

5.   When you delete a file, it first gets moved to the recycle bin.

6.   When you delete a file, the contents of the file are still on the disk.

7.   You can delete any files that are no longer required.

8.   He also deleted files from the computer system.

9.   Therefore it is the responsibility of the LIFESPAN Manager to ensure that the log file is deleted periodically so that it remains a sensible size.

v. + file >>共 433
open 4.86%
download 3.71%
have 3.22%
delete 3.02%
save 2.72%
include 2.57%
keep 2.45%
transfer 2.22%
send 1.99%
review 1.95%
delete + n. >>共 195
file 11.97%
reference 6.36%
message 5.45%
name 4.09%
provision 4.09%
information 2.73%
e-mail 2.27%
material 1.97%
record 1.82%
clause 1.82%
每页显示:    共 79