scramble datum 1.25   Encryption uses a mathematical procedure to scramble data.
  scramble message 1.05   Others do, but they scramble the message.
  scramble brain 0.92   One guy scrambled brains.
  scramble egg 0.92   Direct heat would scramble the eggs.
  scramble signal 0.86   Spreading his will and belief without letting his intensity scramble the signal.
  scramble fighter 0.53   Taiwanese fighters were scrambled in response, the newspaper said.
  scramble jet 0.53   Instantly, Rome scrambled fighter jets from the nearest air base, Langley in Virginia.
  scramble ball 0.46   But Wimbledon striker Marcus Gayle replied almost immediately, scrambling the ball home.
  scramble information 0.46   Most employ firewalls and encrypted code, which scrambles information.
  scramble quarterback 0.46   Most scrambling quarterbacks scramble to run.
  scramble gunship 0.33   U.S. forces fought back with machine guns and scrambled helicopter gunships to drive off the attackers.
  scramble line 0.33   Rip me off, charge me too much, scramble my line.
  scramble file 0.26   It allows files to be scrambled so that only the person with the proper password can unlock and read the file.
  scramble plan 0.26   Sometimes, that plan gets scrambled.
  scramble plane 0.26   The U.S. Air Force scrambled its planes to Korea and Japan.
  scramble warplane 0.26   NATO scrambled warplanes but did not strike at Serb targets.
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