1.   Attach a sash weight, maybe two, depending on the weight of the stairs.

2.   Old double-hung windows, specifically those of wood counterbalanced with sash weights, are notoriously cantankerous in disrepair, but often can be restored to function beautifully.

3.   Remove the panel on each side by taking out the screws holding it in place so that you can get at the sash weights inside the window frame.

4.   Retrieve the sash weights and cords or chains from the cavities and buy replacement cord or chain, which is the more durable.

5.   Southern features include the standing-seam roof, wood clapboard siding, double-hung windows with sash weights and shutters and plenty of ceiling fans.

6.   The removable wood ones are usually on old-fashioned wood windows with sash weights.

7.   While sandbags are the ultimate in recyclables, the Handyman suggested filling wood boxes with sand as an alternative or filling boxes with old sash weights.

n. + weight >>共 151
body 29.76%
birth 15.82%
market 6.12%
hand 3.23%
time 2.21%
pie 2.21%
stool 1.36%
water 1.36%
gain 1.19%
sash 1.19%
sash + n. >>共 21
cord 26.32%
window 21.05%
weight 12.28%
chain 7.02%
belt 3.51%
molding 3.51%
bind 1.75%
brush 1.75%
cramp 1.75%
edge 1.75%
每页显示:    共 7