body weight 11.52   Body weight was recorded daily.
  birth weight 6.12   Premature babies have a low birth weight.
  market weight 2.37   After birth, pigs generally need six months to reach market weight.
  hand weight 1.25   Should they carry hand weights?
  pie weight 0.86   Fill with beans or pie weights.
  time weight 0.86   I lift weights three times a week.
  stool weight 0.53   There was no significant difference in stool weight.
  water weight 0.53   Water weight is easy to lose.
  gain weight 0.46   Untethered, they freak, gain weight, join cults.
  sash weight 0.46   Attach a sash weight, maybe two, depending on the weight of the stairs.
  target weight 0.39   Two-ten is his target weight.
  ankle weight 0.33   When that gets too easy, add ankle weights.
  lift weight 0.33   Work out year-round, lift weights to get stronger and hit more home runs.
  vehicle weight 0.33   Heavy materials also boost vehicle weight, which reduces fuel efficiency.
  slaughter weight 0.26   Forecasts for ranchers were a combination of lower lamb slaughter weights and lower cattle kill weights.
  summer weight 0.26   Yang Yang lost weight last summer in China when he was sick.
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