1.   As balance and strength increase, you can hold hand weights for added resistance.

2.   As with hand weights, walking poles must be used vigorously, much like the action in cross-country skiing.

3.   Biceps curls, triceps kickbacks and lateral raises using hand weights will improve arm and shoulder strength and help prevent injury.

4.   A little too far, even after months of hand weights.

5.   But when I tried to do a few bicep curls with a two-pound hand weight or lift myself up on a chinning bar, I learned otherwise.

6.   CounterSTRIKE hand weights with pepper spray.

7.   Exercises with hand weights were also performed on the Bosu.

8.   If and when you are ready to increase the intensity of your walks, most agree that hand weights offer the greatest potential for injury.

9.   It is common to see drivers putting on makeup, checking stock quotes on their laptops, even lifting hand weights.

10.   Is there any value to using hand weights while doing step aerobics?

n. + weight >>共 151
body 29.76%
birth 15.82%
market 6.12%
hand 3.23%
time 2.21%
pie 2.21%
stool 1.36%
water 1.36%
gain 1.19%
sash 1.19%
hand + n. >>共 458
grenade 28.18%
recount 9.23%
count 7.32%
injury 4.63%
signal 2.97%
tool 2.94%
gesture 2.68%
specialist 1.50%
gun 1.41%
transplant 0.99%
weight 0.61%
每页显示:    共 19