1.   Rich colors, luscious textures, and inventive layering are giving women more options in hosiery than in past seasons.

2.   The rich colors used in the wall coverings and furniture give the room an impalpable warmth.

3.   The fabric is a rich brown color with undertones of red.

4.   Antonio Pappano conducted at an urgent pace, achieving rich color and sharp dramatic detail.

5.   Artistically, they dazzle with rich colors and gold-leaf backgrounds.

6.   Beautifully directed with rich colors and pageantry, but the story is outdated and silly.

7.   Boil over high heat until the sugar turns a rich caramel color.

8.   According to White, this chowder from Shaker Village in Canterbury, N.H., has a rich brown color that is accented by the deep red of summer tomatoes.

9.   Add chopped onion and saute until it turns a rich golden color.

10.   After the sugar melts, it will caramelize, turning a rich brown color.

a. + color >>共 1144
bright 6.08%
different 5.19%
same 2.52%
new 2.32%
solid 1.64%
dark 1.41%
brilliant 1.35%
red 1.21%
national 1.19%
favorite 1.13%
rich 1.07%
rich + n. >>共 1204
country 7.36%
people 4.07%
nation 3.72%
man 3.59%
history 2.27%
tradition 1.26%
source 1.21%
kid 1.06%
guy 1.04%
soil 1.01%
color 0.97%
每页显示:    共 53