bright color 19.82   Bright color.
  different color 16.92   Different color.
  same color 8.23   They like the same colors.
  new color 7.57   New colors.
  solid color 5.33   I plan to use a solid color latex stain.
  dark color 4.61   Dark colors absorb heat, too.
  brilliant color 4.41   Everyone got T-shirts in different brilliant colors.
  red color 3.95   Simmer until meat loses red color.
  national color 3.88   National colors sell tickets.
  favorite color 3.69   Favorite color?
  rich color 3.49   Its rich colors.
  vibrant color 3.42   But this painting also uses vibrant colors.
  contrasting color 3.09   Are there contrasting colors?
  vivid color 2.96   Characters are painted with vivid color.
  brown color 2.90   Saute until rack is a nice brown color.
  green color 2.90   Avoid any with green color.
  light color 2.83   Stick with light colors.
  full color 2.57   Full color.
  natural color 2.50   Her hair is its natural color.
  true color 2.50   But we know that the true colors are coming out.
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