1.   Her favorite color is blue.

2.   Blue and green are my favorite colors.

3.   Andy Baena, a Spanish-speaking seaman for the Coast Guard, tried to keep Elian conscious by asking him questions like what his favorite color was.

4.   Another might like to see all items available in a favorite color.

5.   Band members will will pin her favorite color, purple, onto their red-and-white uniforms in her honor.

6.   Blue, his favorite color, is a perennial.

7.   -- Favorite color?

8.   But red was by far the favorite color for women lawmakers.

9.   Each girl has picked a favorite color that defines the decor.

10.   Each wore a ribbon of green, her favorite color.

a. + color >>共 1144
bright 6.08%
different 5.19%
same 2.52%
new 2.32%
solid 1.64%
dark 1.41%
brilliant 1.35%
red 1.21%
national 1.19%
favorite 1.13%
favorite + n. >>共 1438
target 2.44%
spot 1.90%
team 1.72%
player 1.67%
food 1.60%
place 1.50%
sport 1.45%
subject 1.39%
restaurant 1.32%
pastime 1.29%
color 0.89%
每页显示:    共 56