1.   Two new programs are being developed to help promote responsible sexual behavior.

2.   Among the complexities of this task is defining responsible behavior in a world where basic values are often challenged and disputed.

3.   Both, coincidentally, are about sensitive writers, and both co-star the great Frances McDormand as a mom demanding responsible behavior.

4.   A privilege system grants the kids increasing independence in return for more responsible behavior.

5.   A presidential candidate can properly promise to jawbone Hollywood into responsible behavior on this serious national problem.

6.   But it would not be wrong to suggest that trade and aid prospects for Iran will be enhanced by responsible behavior.

7.   Enforcement should concentrate on reckless driving behavior actually responsible for accidents.

8.   Experts said the findings suggest new strategies to encourage responsible behavior.

9.   If a low average loss number implies responsible behavior, a law designed to treat adults like irresponsible children has no justification.

10.   In a far-reaching report released Thursday, Surgeon General David Satcher highlighted abstinence education as the key to promoting responsible sexual behavior.

a. + behavior >>共 1130
good 7.14%
human 4.01%
bad 3.25%
sexual 3.07%
criminal 2.10%
violent 2.05%
best 1.86%
aggressive 1.73%
risky 1.52%
erratic 1.48%
responsible 0.48%
responsible + n. >>共 710
official 5.72%
agency 3.40%
people 3.34%
minister 3.34%
person 3.15%
man 2.83%
group 2.41%
company 1.83%
party 1.64%
one 1.61%
behavior 0.87%
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