good behavior 26.60   Good behavior record.
  human behavior 14.94   Human behavior has not changed.
  bad behavior 12.11   Bad behavior can be tamed.
  sexual behavior 11.45   -- Human sexual behavior is imperfect.
  criminal behavior 7.83   --Roots of criminal behavior.
  violent behavior 7.64   Violent behavior is all too common in our society.
  best behavior 6.91   Kids are on best behavior.
  aggressive behavior 6.45   Can TV violence cause aggressive behavior?
  risky behavior 5.66   Knowledge does not incur risky behavior, Guv.
  erratic behavior 5.53   Erratic behavior.
  inappropriate behavior 5.07   All that does is condone inappropriate behavior.
  animal behavior 4.15   He steeped himself in paleontology and animal behavior.
  social behavior 3.88   But their social behavior is subtly different.
  antisocial behavior 3.16   This can result in antisocial behavior.
  improper behavior 2.96   He denied any improper behavior.
  bizarre behavior 2.90   Enough with bizarre behavior and pathetic excuses.
  abusive behavior 2.76   Abusive behavior toward animals.
  outrageous behavior 2.63   They will be punished for their outrageous behavior.
  suspicious behavior 2.50   More suspicious behavior.
  corporate behavior 2.44   The list of questionable corporate behavior goes on.
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